This is going to be a very short one today guys. I don’t want to over talk it.
Judas was chosen by Jesus to follow him. Judas spent time with Jesus and the disciples. Judas saw a lot. He experienced a lot. Who’s to say what moments he had that weren’t recorded in Scripture. I wonder what personal conversations he had with Jesus. Yall, I’m about to cry typing this. Here’s the scary truth. We can be surrounded by the things of God and not know God. We can cite scriptures and attend local gatherings from just pure habit and being around the culture. Jesus permeating our very being is the goal. We change on the inside and outside in a real way that can be seen but more so experienced by those around us. I know first hand how it is to not live what you proclaim. Also don’t be confused, I’m not talking about living a perfect life. Jesus was the only one who accomplished that. I am talking about living a true John 15 abiding life and staying on the potter’s wheel. I am talking about prayer and the scriptures and God’s community having the permission to shape how you think and live in this world. True transformation not just behavior modification. It’s God’s desire for you and me. Let’s repent and follow hard after him today. Right now. I really want to hear well done. I really want to live the life he’s carved out for me and I want others to know his great mercy and love.
Love you for free :-)
Until Next Time