What’s up guys!
I don’t say this as a cliche’ but I really do hope you’re well……
A few years ago I read a book called Emotionally Healthy Leader. One of the chapters that impacted me most was entitled “Endings and New Beginnings”. I never heard anyone teach from a Christian perspective the importance of ending and beginning things well. I had so many endings and new beginnings in my life that I encountered but really didn’t process through. Ever since reading that I’ve tried my best to be aware and really embrace endings and new beginnings.
As you all know I’ve transitioned to Orlando Florida to help launch New Creation Fellowship alongside some great and godly people. There are a lot of exciting things ahead but there was an ending. I spent just a few months shy of a decade in Birmingham Alabama. I have a lot of people I love and really miss. I’ve especially felt that this week. I had life rhythms and routines in place (for those who know me…LOL..you know how I am) and I knew where to eat, where to go and how to get there. So a lot around me is new and that’s a great thing but I am grieving what was.
This is also my third state that I’ve lived in so I’m excited about who I’ll meet and grow in life with here but I also feel the tension of the work it takes to build those kind of friendships. I really don’t know why I’m sharing this with yall LOL but there ya go. Maybe some of you have some things that ended and things that are beginning that you need to process with the Lord. I pray this post gives you permission to know that’s OK and for you to ask the Lord to show you. We do a poor job historically at living well within tension. We are hopeful for what will be in the return of Christ but we live in this world with its “stuff”. We are excited about the move but we grieve the familiarity of what was and the comfort.
Keep me in your prayers as I do the same for you…..hope my brain dump helps you in some way LOL…..
Until next time