I was recently scrolling tik tok and this guy’s video randomly appeared. I’ve heard of him because he would draw people as he randomly chatted with them. This video however was very different. He was sad, crying, and sharing on video how he wanted someone to talk to. It was kind of uncomfortable to watch but I then felt a strong sense of compassion for him and wish I knew him. In that video, he expressed what we all need and long for, even if we don’t know we do. We need to be seen, known, and loved. I have been reflecting on that all day. We can have many people around and never “feel” those things. We can accomplish a lot and still feel empty inside. The Lord who made us and his presence in our lives is the only place where we can completely feel seen, known, and loved. Unfortunately, we feel that kind of intimacy with the Lord is unattainable or was only for the people in the Bible that had these crazy signs and wonders.
I was reading through the life of Moses and he was at the end of his life. There was a verse written about him that always strikes me when I read it.
“No prophet has arisen again in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.” Deuteronomy 34:10
Face to Face. What a statement! In the deep crevices of my heart, I long for that and desire that and I know many of you do too. I want to encourage us that this is very possible. We have even more assurance than Moses did. We have the very sacrifice of Jesus Christ that assured my access to God and for those of us who have surrendered our lives to him, his spirit lives in us. He is even more real and truly close. It’s so easy to get distracted by the things and events around us and never take advantage of the available “Facetime” with the Lord on a daily basis. We settle for lesser loves and idols that have lured us into focusing on them more than him. We then walk in shame and condemnation and “stay away” even longer. I want to encourage you as I encourage myself. All it takes is a turn. God is only one turn away. When the prodigal son was running the Father was waiting and already making his way to him.
God will never push you away. Turn to Jesus. We need him desperately. It may have been a long time since you’ve gone to him in prayer but see his outstretched arms bidding you to come. Safety and security in a real sense is only found in him.
Happy New Year
Until next time