I have missed you guys so much but very grateful I took that break! Unfortunately on my birthday last year Dec 22nd my uncle passed away so it was more grieving for my family. Keep us in your prayers. The trauma of the last two years has been tremendous but the Lord will see us all through.
On a lighter note, I was so grateful for a new calendar year. I know there is nothing magical that happens when the 1/1 reset happens but it’s a good feeling to feel the newness and freshness a new year brings!
I am hopeful and expectant this year and really leaning into seeing Jesus in everything even the more. This isn’t cliche but so true that Jesus is EVERYTHING! He is the difference maker in every situation no matter where you find yourself. I want to challenge those of us reading this who are believers to really dive all the way in to your life with Christ. Romans 12 has so many amazing reminders such as: having genuine love, abhorring what is evil, being fervent in spirit, constant in prayer, looking to show hospitality and so much more! I’ve made a personal commitment to have a John 15 abiding lifestyle even the more. All else flows from that for us in Christ. According to Matthew 6 when we seek him first everything else is added.
This world needs more truly abiding, steadfast believers who encounter the presence of God that changes them. Would you join me? Let’s do this together!
I will also be answering the questions a few of you submitted as my next few post. Feel free to like, comment and share this blog with friends and family!
Until Next Time,