Tyrone’s Questions:
What is the church doing now that we shouldn’t be doing? What steps you believe we can take to help us improve the way we share the gospel in 2022?
Thanks for the question Tyrone!
I’m sure there’s a lot that we are doing that we shouldn’t be doing but to answer the question I will say we are way more divided than we honestly need to be. John 17 was a beautiful prayer by Jesus for US and verse 21 states “that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
We are having a hard time ministering to the world because we are so against each other. We allow our denominational differences, political idolatry and a myriad of other things keep us at odds with each other when the Father’s heart was for us to live in unity as he, Jesus and Holy Spirit live. I don’t even have time to get in to that as deep as I’d like.
As far as steps we can take to improve the way we share the gospel, the overwhelming response will be to know the Gospel, embody the Gospel and then sharing it is a direct overflow from that. I get the privilege of pastoring and mentoring many people and something I am noticing is the consistency of struggle with time in the word and time in prayer on a truly intimate level. John 15 states that apart from Jesus we can do nothing. I am afraid that many are living life that way. We are depending on services alone when each believer should be living missional wherever they find themselves. We “put on” spirituality at church or religious things when the Gospel, the story of God’s plan to redeem us and place us in his missional family through the finished work of Jesus Christ should be permeating every single part of our lives for his Glory. The grocery stores, work offices, school classrooms, college dorms, etc should be filled with believers who live on mission and live as disciples of Jesus Christ in their private lives which is what sets us up to share why we live and are different.
These two questions tie in so beautifully because scripture even says the world will know we are his from our love for one another. There’s a ton more I can say on this question but this is a starting post for sure. I’d love for y’all to comment on this post because I’d love to hear your thoughts on Tyrone’s question.
Until Next Time