A little while ago I was reading through Acts 15 and 16 in the Bible and a few thoughts just kept coming to mind. Overwhelming thought was the “we-ness” in which it was written. They were having a church wide issue and to see that it was brought before a counsel and they came up with a letter and then traveled to spread that letter to the people of God. It’s unfortunately not the way we do things currently. The “we-ness” of it all is what I’m referencing. Also their loyal
We-ness: They were having a issue that really would have hindered the pure message of the gospel and it was brought before the counsel and a letter was written and it was spread throughout all the churches hand delivered. What intention! What care for the big C church. We don’t see that kinda stuff nowadays. We just bash those we don’t agree with and put them in the “do not touch” pile of Christianity. We have so many camps that we’ve lost loyalty to THE message of Jesus exclusively!
Their loyalty to the Gospel and the Scriptures. I love how in that argument old testament text was heavily used and considered. It was valued and weighted heavily. The WHOLE of scripture is valid! You won’t even understand Jesus without the Old Testament. It’s just important to say that! Gon’ read Leviticus now bahaha
Paul’s winsome posture was so evident. There was a lot of fuss over circumcision but when he hooked up with Timothy he had him circumcised even though that seemed contradictory for the sake of the message of the gospel reaching tons of Jews. Paul was a whatever I need to do type of person that folks know Christ. If we really pondered on that what would this world look like with believers like that. Paul and Barnabas had a strong disagreement and Paul still went on mission. I often get stuck after things like that and mistrust people and fall away from the mission. I’m sure it hurt but he moved on. Move On. HIS mission if foremost of importance.
The things that “grew” the Church in the book of Acts are dramatically different that what “grows” most churches today. It’s not even near the things we “market” OR hold in high value. I saw how as they were delivering the letter encouraging that salvation is in Christ alone, that faith was strengthened and the church grew. Other places in Acts it shows us that the devoted believer to the bible, fellowship and daily gathering, love, etc is what grew the church. None of these people did this perfectly but it was what they were committed to.
There’s a ton of other things from Acts we could talk about like the spirit’s heavy presence amongst the people and how they didn’t function apart from that. I also notice the Fear of the Lord which produced boldness in the saints. Sheesh it’s so much!
I encourage you to read through Acts, especially if you need encouragement about us being an on mission family!
Love yall.
Until Next Time