Hey guys!
I have traveled a lot this month and was busy the past few Mondays! I have missed you all. I recently preached a couple of sermons at New Creation Fellowship so check them out on our website and did a live podcast interview on I am Devoted Podcast. I will post the link for both at the bottom of this post. I wanted to share a quick story that may encourage you.
A few days ago I was getting a pretty busy day started and my car wouldn’t crank. I don’t get bent out of shape about stuff like that but I was annoyed and didn’t want it to be something terrible. It ended up being just a battery but with my car an almost $300 battery. Anyway, I was headed to my lunch appointment later than I had hoped but it was right on time according to God. We made it to lunch and someone paid for our lunch randomly. Our next stop was a coffee shop and we ran into a friend that we were just talking about and God ended up having a special word for her friend that he used me to deliver and we had such an edifying conversation. Lastly, we went to an ice cream shop and ran into two ladies that were praying to see us.
I shared that because sometimes when we think we are “late” in God’s view we are actually on time. We can insert that in a lot of situations. Delay isn’t always a bad thing. It was just reminding me of God’s sovereign hand who orchestrates all things. It definitely wasn’t pleasant to have car trouble but the overall day was all planned the way he wanted it to. You may be experiencing something like that and I want to encourage you to just be still and know that God is who he is.
Keep me in your prayers as I have been embarking on recording my sophomore album. I look forward to you all hearing these songs! Pray for provision and God’s presence to hover and change those who listen to it!
Alright until next time