Hey all,
Friday (8/23) my brother was flown to the hospital from Montgomery to Birmingham. I don’t know the technical medical term exact but in simple terms it was an aneurysm in the stomach. He has heart and kidney issues also so it’s like a cocktail of everything that they are monitoring and watching and things they need to do for one thing clash with the other thing. It’s uncomfortable and scary for him and the family. I ask you all to keep him lifted in prayer. His name is Ishmael. This morning we are still awaiting if he has to have open heart surgery or if the body has healed during this period of waiting and monitoring. His blood pressure is high so that hinders the next steps in either direction. As of this morning, they are still just monitoring and we thought we would have definite answers as they told us over the weekend.
This morning’s Psalm for me was Psalm 57. David was trying to escape Saul yet again. Yet again stuff is so frustrating. The psalmist says in verse 7:
“My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody!”
We can find a steadfast heart only in the one who can hold it steadfast. Life comes at us from so many angles but the Lord can hold us steadfast. His grip on those who are his is un-let-goable! (yep, just made that word up). It’s the only way we can be in the valleys of the shadow of death and fear no evil. It’s the only way we can be still and know as the earth is giving way and the nations are tottering.
Cling to Him, friends. Keep us in your prayers. I am so encouraged by the texts and DM’s of encouraging words and desiring updates. This is the best way I can reach all of you and be present with the family.
Prayer Points:
Regulate blood pressure
Prayers he won’t have to have open heart surgery and his body heals so it can be the minor outpatient surgery or none at all.
prayers over his kidney and heart and breathing which is hampered by sleep apnea.
prayers for the long journey ahead after this to make better choices over the rest of his life to partner
that even in this the Lord can use this to reveal Jesus to him in a personal way.
Until next time
Amen❤️❤️. I know God's a healer.