What my heart is really saying...
I recently spoke a message on Luke 4:42-44 (go read it when you get a chance). I am still pondering on a reality of that text that Jesus, the son of God, prayed. I see the life of Jesus through the Scriptures and he was constantly withdrawing to pray. He was very dependent on the Spirit at work in him and his union with the Father. He said things like “I only do what I see my Father doing”. I really begin to ponder on my times of prayerlessness and what my heart was really saying in those moments.
One of the biggest realities of prayer is our need for and hunger for God. The reward of prayer is GOD. It’s not the answers, not anything we can “get” but it’s our triune GOD. When we choose not to have lives of prayer we are saying we don’t need God. We truly believe we can handle it and life on our own.
I know that neediness isn’t attractive as you think of our American culture of being independent and self reliant. The Kingdom of God is set up vastly different. In the beatitudes in Matthew 5, the very first was was blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. What that is saying is truly happy are the ones who live dependently on God. They get to see him at work in their lives.
Prayer isn’t about how much you pray. The religious people prayed a lot but their hearts were far from God. Prayer is about the posture of your heart. It’s about your daily pursuit of slow loving union with our loving Father.
The world is in desperate need of praying believers who are missional minded and spirit empowered. If you’re like me and reflecting on your times of lack in the areas of prayer just take this moment and pray now. Repent. Turn. The Lord is there in the secret place awaiting your arrival.
Until Next Time